
A Unicorn’s Tale – My Solo Female Experience at Libertine Events Miami

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A fabulous guest blog post from attendees of Libertine Events Swingers Hotel Takeovers, this blog post is talking about the Miami Swingers Hotel takeover May/June 2024. This is their journey of Veronica attending the event as a solo female Unicorn to explore her sexuality and was a first experience for Veronica and Hubman. Read on to hear more

Thank you Hubman and Veronica for sharing your journey with us!

Hubman: Veronica and I have attended several PCAP/Libertine Events before and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves every time! When Cate announced the Miami Vices event, we looked at the calendar and realized we couldn’t go, as I had a conference in Boston the same week.

Veronica: Normally I try to go to Hubman’s conferences with him when possible, but this time he was taking our daughter to give her an opportunity to network.  The idea of sharing a hotel room with Hubman and our teenage daughter didn’t sound like fun, so I originally planned to just stay home. Then, I was listening to a Casual Swinger Podcast where they talked about rooms still being open and I started having a little FOMO. 

I stewed over the idea of attending by myself as a unicorn and spent the better part of a day talking myself in and out of it.  Then when Hubman and I were on a walk, I broached the topic with him.  As usual, Hubman was very supportive of my wanting to push out of my comfort zone. 

Hubman: I think a little context is important. Over the years I’ve taken advantage of numerous opportunities to play solo, so-called ‘hot husbanding’. Veronica has always had the freedom to also explore playing solo, but she was never interested.


Veronica: Playing alone was just never something I was too interested in doing.  There was always the safety thing in the back of my mind with going off and meeting strange men.  

We did try to venture out into my unicorning back in 2022, when Hubman was recovering from rotator cuff surgery, but we ended up with no good prospects to the point where I was super discouraged. That lack of success was in the back of my mind as I debated going to PCAP alone. 

I’ve been working on getting out of my comfort zone in the past 18 months, which included my 1st MFM (Hubman: then her second, her third and her fourth 🙂), and then last year, doing a little solo play with a trusted friend. In fact, my first solo play with a man was at the October Miami PCAP. (Cate, look at all the fun you are responsible for!)   

One thing I have been working on is to say yes to more things and try to shut the overthinking part of my brain off. Life is short, gotta live a little!

Hubman: When Veronica proposed the idea of going to Miami Vices as a unicorn, I didn’t have to think about it, I immediately said yes! Partly because I’ve always supported her explorations, but mostly because I know she’d be in a fun, safe, supportive environment.

Veronica: I never had a moment’s worry about my personal safety as a solo unicorn.  I did chat with Mickey, Mallory and Cate about the idea mostly because I wanted assurances that I would have people to make sure that I didn’t let my shy side take over.  

Cate could really not have been more lovely, as always.  She checked in on me several times before the trip and made sure I was comfortable, and encouraged me to host a room during the room crawl on Saturday afternoon to make sure I was in the middle of things.  

I got to the event and was delighted by all the warm greetings I received.  Everyone was so friendly and lovely about my being there solo. From Cate and Mickey having me check in to make sure I was ok, to the very friendly attendees, I could not have asked for a better experience. 

Hubman: Going into the weekend, I told Veronica that I had two wishes – when she got to play (when, not if, ‘cause my girl is hot!) I’d like pictures, if possible, and once we were reunited I wanted to hear *all* the details 

Veronica:  I was a bit nervous about having unicorn details to tell. I was hoping that people would want to be with just me without Hubman around.  Hubman assured me that I shouldn’t worry about that, but I was still nervous.

One of my challenges that I had to work on was my lack of being able to tell Hubman about everything that was happening. During the weekend it was fine to tease some details here and there, but telling about the whole weekend was not easy for me,

One of our regular communication challenges is that I will tell a story and leave out a detail that is central to the telling of the story, because I understand it, and then the whole story is convoluted.  Having a weekend full of sexy adventures did not make this any easier.

Hubman: While I hoped to get some pictures of her having fun, of course I understood that I may not get any, for any number of perfectly good reasons. I’m a visual person and while descriptions are great, I want to see what happened!

On Sunday morning she and I had a nice long conversation. On Friday and Saturday nights she had fun with new friends, but I was feeling distinctly left out. I knew that once she returned home she’d tell me all about her adventures and she agreed to at least try to get some vanilla photos of her partners. And to be fair, I wasn’t being terribly patient about waiting until she returned home to hear all of the details!

Veronica:  I did get some vanilla photos, so Hubman could see some of the people I had fun with. I felt bad that he was feeling left out and that I wasn’t sticking to my promise to keep him informed of my adventures.  Part of it was a weekend like this goes slow and yet fast.  You feel like you have so much time, like it’s only Sunday morning, but then you realize that in 24 hours you are on your way back home,  I vowed to tell Hubman some amazing stories when I came home, 

When I got home I tried to tell the whole of the weekend at once. However, for me, trying  to compress 3 days of fun into one discussion means that a lot of details, both important, or small but still necessary for painting the picture, were left out. This was understandably, incredibly frustrating to Hubman.  

After some starts and stops, we were able to hash it out, and after some thinking I realized my problem was that in addition to overthinking, I was trying to talk about too much at once. This was solved by revisiting each event as its own separate vignette, that way I could really delve into the details that Hubman craved, so even though he was not there, he could feel that he was part of the experience.  

Once we worked through my unicorn communication issues, being able to share my sexy times with Hubman was really the best part of the whole experience.  It made for several spicy evenings, and I believe that reliving the experiences as part of our bedroom banter won’t be getting old anytime soon.

While I greatly enjoyed the unicorn experience, it’s not something I would do again.  One thing that I realized is that for me the best part of our ENM is having Hubman right there watching and participating in the fun.

Hubman: Overall, once we worked through the minor bumps during the weekend, it was a great experience, for her and for me. Though we’re in no rush to repeat anytime soon, as we’ll be together for the Vegas Soiree next month and San Antonio Senses in October. 

Will we see YOU there?!

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